Health & Wellbeing

Aldi releases amazing low calorie wine

We're hoping this comes to Australia!
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Aldi, already known for it’s award winning and extremely affordable wines, have now released a low calorie drop.

According to the Metro, a glass of the ‘Featherweight’ Pinot Grigio contains just 50 calories, much lower than the 95 calories in an apple.

The downside is that the range is currently only being sold in Irish Aldi stores.

(Credit: Getty Images)

So if a trip to Ireland is on the cards, you’ll definitely want to pick up one of two 750ml bottles, which will only set you back €4.49 ($6.90).

If an Irish jaunt is a little far-fetched, Australian Aldi stores sell a gold medal winning bottle of shiraz for the same price.

This article originally appeared on WHO.

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