
Ladies, THIS Is The Best Age To Have A Baby

Women having a ‘biological clock’ isn’t just a stereotype, it’s a real thing.
A person's finger being held by a babyGetty

Whether you’re a woman or not, you’ve probably heard the concept of the female ‘biological clock’. You often hear it spewed by well-meaning relatives and friends to women in their 30s: “The clock is ticking,” they say. “Better have a baby soon!”

While you may roll your eyes at the assumption that all women want to be mothers, there is a grain of truth to the fact that the time-frame is limited. Read on to learn the best time to get pregnant to avoid fertility issues and high-risk pregnancies.

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What Is The Best Age To Have A Baby?

There’s no easy answer to this question. In fact, the best age to have a baby will differ from person to person. Biologically, you are most fertile in your 20s and 30s, and it will be much harder to have babies at 40 or older. 

But you also need to be emotionally, mentally, and financially prepared to take on the challenge of becoming a parent. It might take some women more time to get to that point, and some women will never get there at all – and that’s perfectly valid too!

A woman cradling a baby's head
(Credit: Getty)

At What Age Are Women Most Fertile? When Can A Woman Not Get Pregnant?

Although fertility is highly personal and varies from woman to woman, there is a correlation between women’s fertility and age. Generally, the older you get, the lower your chances of getting pregnant. 

Barring any other physical or fertility issues, you are most viable to get pregnant in your 20s. Your eggs are plentiful, and pregnancies will be much easier on your young body.

Fertility starts to decline around age 32. The number of healthy, quality eggs are dropping at this point. 35 and up is considered ‘geriatric pregnancy age’. Once you hit this age, you are at a much higher risk for complications, abnormalities, and even miscarriage.

In your 40s, a ‘natural’ pregnancy becomes much more difficult to achieve. Women are born with all the eggs they’ll ever have in their lifetime; the quality and number of those eggs only decrease with age. You may need to resort to other methods such as IVF or surrogacy to have a child. You may still have a healthy pregnancy and child, but risks of complications and defects are higher than ever before. 

Women’s fertility declines so much as you age that by the time you hit 40 or 45, the chances of getting pregnant are slim to none. This is especially true after a woman has hit menopause. Of course, ‘menopause babies’ conceived during this time are a possibility, but they’re very rare.

Chances Of Getting Pregnant By Age

Below is a chart of your chances of getting pregnant for each age group. Keep in mind that this is merely a guide, your chances may be higher or lower depending on a variety of genetic and environmental factors. 


Chances of getting pregnant within a year

Chances of infertility

Chances of miscarriage




























When Is The Best Time To Conceive For Optimum Baby Health

If we’re talking about pure biology, your baby has the lowest risk of abnormalities and defects when you’re in your 20s to early 30s. While you can still have perfectly healthy babies at age 35 or even older, the odds go down as you age.

But there’s more to consider than just your baby’s stats. To give your child the best life possible, you also need to be emotionally ready to love and support them to the best of your ability, mentally prepared to take on the challenge, and financially stable enough to provide for their needs.

The bottom line is: the best time to try for a baby is when you’re ready to have one! Your circumstances are unique, so only you can decide if now is the right time to get pregnant. Just keep your biological limitations in mind.

A woman holding her belly in the shape of a heart
(Credit: Getty)

Does Age Affect Male Fertility?

Technically, men can father offspring at any point in their lives – they don’t have a ‘biological clock’ in the same way that women do. Men constantly produce new sperm as they get older, and their fertility decline starts later as well. While women in their 30s already experience a rapid decline in fertility, age doesn’t start to affect men’s fertility until their 40s or 50s.

However, despite the fact that men never stop producing sperm, the quality and number of sperm produced decreases with age. Medical issues, environmental factors, and personal lifestyle choices can all affect male fertility as well. So while men technically can’t get age-related infertility, they can still become infertile for a variety of reasons.

A dad on a bus with a baby on his chest
(Credit: Getty)

How Does Age Affect How You Parent?

Another thing you need to think about is how your age affects your ability to parent. While you can technically become a new mum at 45, you’ll be 63 by the time your child turns 18. It’ll be much harder to keep up with an active child when you’re in your 40s or 50s. Plus, you may have to retire before your child becomes an adult, which could cause financial problems.

When considering the best age to have a baby, think long-term. Consider not just your ability to conceive but your ability to provide a good and full life for your child for the next 18+ years.

A person's finger being held by a baby
(Credit: Getty)

Are You Ready To Have A Baby?

The decision to start a family is a highly personal one that depends on a lot of factors – age is just one thing you need to think about. This guide will help you make that decision, but don’t forget to look at the bigger picture!

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