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Friends For Life: 15 Friendship Quotes For Your True Friends

It’s time to let your best friends know how much you love them!

As the popular Beatles song goes, “we get by with a little help from our friends.” Some people come and go, but real friends stay forever. So, how do you show them gratitude for having your back after all these years? It’s easy! We’ll show you different ways to say “thank you” to your lifelong BFFs with the best true friendship quotes of all time.

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The 15 Best Friendship Quotes Ever

Whether you’re gearing up for next year’s International Friendship Day or greeting your friend on their birthday, we’ve got you covered! These short sayings capture the essence of what it means to be friends for life, perfect for childhood pals and newfound girlfriends alike. Find the right words to express your feels with our list of cute, funny, and beautiful friendship quotes!

Two friends hugging in a park
(Credit: Getty)

15. “A false friend and a shadow attend only while the sun shines.”

Who Said It: Benjamin Franklin, the 6th President of the United States

Why We Love It: The famous man on the American dollar bill reminds us to say goodbye to all our fake friends! He knew a thing or two about fair-weathered friendships and letting them go will show you who the real MVPs are.

14. “You’ve got a friend in me.”

Who Said It: Randy Newman for Pixar’s Toy Story

Why We Love It: This is the most iconic friendship song in the world, and it’s all about having someone that makes you feel like you belong.

13. “Betray a friend, and you’ll often find you have ruined yourself.”

Who Said It: Ancient Greek storyteller Aesop

Why We Love It: Aesop’s Fables had lots of tales on friendship! Here, he reminds us to be careful about losing friends because it’ll hurt us just as much as we hurt them.

12. “We’ve learned that friendship isn’t always easy, but there’s no doubt it’s worth fighting for!”

Who Said It: Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony

Why We Love It: Leave it to these precious ponies to teach us about what friendship is all about! We may get into fights or drift apart, but real friends will always try to keep you no matter what.

11. “The best way to cheer yourself is to try to cheer someone else up.”

Who Said It: Author and humourist Mark Twain

Why We Love It: Nothing makes us feel better than helping a dear friend! Mark Twain is famous for his funny observations, but this one touches our hearts with its unfiltered honesty.

A black and white portrait of Mark Twain
(Credit: Getty)

10. “A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference.”

Who Said It: Eeyore the depressed donkey

Why We Love It: Writer A. A. Milne may have painted Eeyore as a gloomy character, but his friends loved him anyway! In this quote, he shows how small acts of kindness can brighten up any dreary day.

9. “Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.”

Who Said It: Former First Lady of the United States, Eleanor Roosevelt

Why We Love It: Eleanor’s quote about friendship is both touching and genuine, emphasising how friends leave marks that last a lifetime.

8. “The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.”

Who Said It: Legal theorist Elisabeth Foley

Why We Love It: This quote tells us that long-distance friendship is totally possible, as long as you respect each other’s space and support your individual journeys in life.

7. “A friend may be waiting behind a stranger’s face.”

Who Said It: Doctor, Poet, and performer Maya Angelou

Why We Love It: Finding new friends can feel like winning a treasure hunt! With an open mind and heart, we can make friends when we least expect it.

6. “Nothing, however, delights the mind as much as loving and loyal friendship.”

Who Said It: Stoic philosopher Seneca

Why We Love It: We can always count on friendships that have stood the test of time. From inside jokes to shared memories, nothing beats the loyalty of old friends!

5. “A day without a friend is like a pot without a single drop of honey left inside.”

Who Said It: Winnie the Pooh

Why We Love It: Christopher Robin was Pooh’s special friend, but he loves his other friends just as much! Wouldn’t it be sweet to tell your friends you love them as much as Pooh loves his honey?

4. “What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.”

Who Said It: Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle

Why We Love It: Poetic and full of depth, this quote acknowledges that our friends are soulmates! They reflect our emotions and thoughts to help us realise that we’re never alone.

3. “True friends don’t judge each other, they judge other people together.”

Who Said It: Viral social media post by Emilie Saint-Genis

Why We Love It: This is one of those funny friendship quotes that everyone can relate to, especially for friends that bond through edgy jokes!

2. “Friends are the family we choose for ourselves.”

Who Said It: Suffrage activist Edna Buchman

Why We Love It: Sometimes, our relatives just don’t understand us – but luckily, we can choose friends that can become our second family!

1. “Things are never quite as scary when you’ve got a best friend.”

Who Said It: Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes

Why We Love It: Bill Waterson gave us our beloved childhood comics and one of the best friend quotes of all time! Calvin tells us that we can always rely on  our best friends to help make our darkest fears disappear.

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