
Suit Up for science colouring activities for kids

The initiative is a great opportunity to start talking the importance of science with your kids.

Throughout May, schools and communities will be “suiting up” like a scientist to show support for their life-saving work – Suit Up for Science. All funds raised go towards supporting the Centenary Institute Medical Research Foundation.

Suit Up for Science encourages kids, schools and communities to get involved and excited about science, highlighting the importance of science in curing the most chronic health conditions. 

The initiative is a great opportunity to start thinking about talking to kids early on the importance of science, and the impact on health. Parents and schools are encouraged to get kids involved in science experiment activities, provided by Centenary Institute. To get you started, we’ve got some great colouring activities for kids below. 

suit up for science
(Credit: Suit up for science)
Suit up for science
(Credit: Suit up for science)

This article was originally published by Practical Parenting

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