Home & Tech

The only cleaning device you’ll ever need…and it only costs $1

Not only is the lemon it an essential ingredient in cuisine, it’s also a powerhouse cleaning product throughout the entire home.


Lemons are a versatile cleaning agent in the kitchen. You can use lemon juice to clean stains, cut through grease and kill germs on cutting boards, Tupperware and laminated bench-tops. Want more freshness? Half a lemon on a saucer in the fridge helps keep odours under control. And to keep the microwave clean and fresh, place slices of lemon in a microwave safe jug with water and bring to the boil in the microwave, leave for ten minutes and then wipe down with a damp cloth.

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Another place where the humble lemon comes in handy is the laundry; as the perfect stain remover. Make a paste of lemon juice and cream of tartar and apply to the stain, let it sit for 30 minutes then wash as normal, voila! Stain begone! Need whites brightened? Place your clothes in a bucket containing half a cup of lemon juice and two litres of hot water then wash as normal. Avoid using on delicate fabrics such as silks but lemons work well on cotton and polyester.

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You’ll also find lemons a whizz in other areas of the home. Lemon juice on an old toothbrush is a perfect way to clean mouldy grout between bathroom tiles and half a cup of lemon juice in the toilet bowl is a great way to freshen up the loo. Keep a spray bottle with lemon juice diluted with water to use around the house including cleaning windows, mirrors, taps and most surfaces, though it’s best to avoid using on natural stone countertops.

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